• Phone Icon Westmont (630) 541-8374
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    519 N Cass Ave, Suite 102, Westmont, IL 60559

  • Phone Icon Villa Park (630) 541-8374
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    101 E. St. Charles Rd,Suite 101, Villa Park, IL 60181

smile savvy dental specialists
westmont orthodontics

Dr. Paul Kempf

Dr. Paul Kempf

Dr. Paul T Kempf

Dr. Paul Kempf is a retired Army Lieutenant Colonel, on the faculty at a major dental school, and an active dental practitioner with almost 40 years of experience. He has worked as a practice consultant with building and developing dental practices both single and multilocation. He has served as president of the West Suburban Dental Society and a delegate of the Illinois State Dental Society and the American Dental Association.

We Can’t Wait To Make You Smile!

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